Department of Design and Creativity (DC)
“Cognitive science – design & Creativity”; is a comprehensive discipline that includes all levels of knowledge that cannot be diminished to a specific field. According to Norman, cognitive design is about understanding human beings or understanding the cognitive levels in humans and using these abilities to improve the human interaction with the product, service, systems, etc. with which they are involved. All the tasks of cognitive designers in order to apply this knowledge for the benefit of humans and to establish a bridge between humans and the inevitable advancement of technology.
Cognitive designers in the new design education system; have the role of facilitator and educator to improve the performance and ease of use of products.
On the one hand, cognitive designers are looking for effective cognitive processes in a designer’s mental process, on the other hand, by intervening in the product design process, in the user studies phase, they provide deeper and more accurate information in the field of user cognition and behavior. Cognitive design involves thinking and pursuing the stability of a system or the intelligence of an object. Every problem for cognitive designers is to pay attention to the fact that the deep processes of user cognition, technological limitations, cognitive ergonomics, production, and the market must be considered and a balance must be struck between these factors. The field of cognitive design is similar to management because it is a problem-solving activity that follows a systematic, logical, and orderly process. Therefore, cognitive design plays an important role in innovation management as well as conflict management.
Cognitive Design Department research Priorities:
Head of Department, Assistant Professor:
Dr. Shaghayegh Chitsaz
Dr.Reza Kazemi, Assistant Professor
Dr.Vida Mirabolfathi, Assistant Professor