Brain- Computer Interfacing: An Introduction
The book provides an introduction to the field of brain- computer interfacing (the field also goes by the names of brain- machine interfacing, neural interfacing, neural prosthetics, and neural engineering). Several extremely useful edited volumes have been published on this topic over the past few years (Dornhege et al., 2007; Tan and Nijholt, 2010; Graimann et al., 2011; Wolpaw & Wolpaw, 2012). here has, however, been a growing need for an introductory textbook aimed specifically at those who do not have an in- depth background in either engineering or neuroscience. This book aims to serve this need. It can be used as a textbook in upper- level undergraduate and first- year graduate courses on brain- computer interfacing and neural engineering. It can also be used for self- study and as a reference by researchers, practitioners, and those interested in joining the field.
The book introduces the reader to essential ideas, concepts, and techniques in neuroscience, brain recording and stimulation technologies, signal processing, and machine learning before proceeding to the major types of BCIs and their applications.
Exercises and questions at the end of each chapter provide readers with the opportunity to review their knowledge and test their understanding of the topics covered in the chapter. Some exercises (marked by the expedition icon ) allow the student to go beyond what is discussed in the textbook by following leads in research publications and searching for new information on the Web.
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