HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia
Human–computer interaction (HCI) researchers, designers and practitioners are increasingly turning their attention to addressing pressing societal issues. One of the major global challenges facing the twenty-first century is the ageing population.
This brings about both challenges and opportunities and will motivate societal change. Older people currently make up a larger portion of the population than ever before. More people living into advanced old age means that incidences of dementia, forwhich advanced age is amajor factor,will increase. Dementia is a term for a range of diseases and conditions and dementia care is complex and multifaceted. Dementia impacts individuals, families and communities and is prompting a re-evaluation of local and global care systems. Until relatively recently, research has predominantly focused on the biomedical aspect of dementia, aiming to find a cure and prolongclife. However, there is no cure on the horizon and the focus now is shifting to how to support and care for people, currently living with dementia, to achieve the best quality of life possible. This book focuses on how HCI and design can address this challenge and support people living with dementia, it focuses on those who have dementia and stakeholders in their care.
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