تازههای کتابخانه
Analyzing Genres in Political Communication Theory and practice
The concept of genre in linguistics has been addressed within several disciplines and empirical fields. The most...
The concept of genre in linguistics has been addressed within several disciplines and empirical fields. The most...
Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, we witnessed a growing academic interest in the issue of the...
دونالد نورمن طراحی را به سه حوزه طراحی صنعتی، طراحی تعامل و طراحی تجربه تقسیم بندی کردهاست....
به اطلاع می رساند دامنه رایانامه موسسه آموزش عالی علوم شناختی از تاریخ اول آبان ۱۴۰۰ از...
دانشجویان متقاضی دریافت تسهیلات مالی از بانک قرض الحسنه مهر ایران برای پرداخت قسطی شهریه تحصیلی خود،...
As disasters continue to increase in frequency and cost, researchers across academic disciplines, including anthropology, ecology, engineering,...
The impetus for this volume arose out of a panel organized for the annual meeting of the...
Social resilience is about social entities and their abilities to tolerate, absorb, cope with and adjust to...
Beginning in the late 1980s, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (or Critical Discourse Studies [CDS]) has now become...