اخبار و اطلاعیه‌ها

Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology

There has been tremendous advancement and innovation in artificial intelligence (AI), which is incomparable to the artificial intelligence that emerged traditionally. Artificial intelligence has greatly enhanced machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning, enabling new developments in various specialized domains including speech technology. Artificial intelligence is widely used for various speech-related solutions including speech analysis, representation and models, spoken language recognition and understanding, affective speech recognition, interpretation and synthesis, speech interface design and human factors engineering, speech emotion recognition technologies, and audio-visual speech processing, amongst others. This volume contains papers presented...

مطالعه متن کامل

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The Sailing Mind

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در مسیر تربیت

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نقش و جایگاه معلم راهنما

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