Emotion and Information Processing A Practical approach
This book consists of 13 chapters covering many facts like psycho-social intervention on emotional disorders in individuals, impact of emotion and cognition on blended theory, theory and implication of information processing, effects of emotional self-esteem in women, emotional dimension of women in workplace, effects of mental thinking in different age groups irrespective of the gender, negative emotions and its effect on information processing, role of emotions in education and lastly emotional analysis in multi perspective domain adopting machine learning approach. An additional new development in neuroscience is cognitive neuroscience, which combines the dual...
مطالعه متن کامل
وبینارمشترک درحوزه علوم شناختی با حضور پروفسور” نوام چامسکی”از چهره های برجسته علوم شناختی برگزار میشود
موسسه آموزش عالی علوم شناختی با حمایت ستاد توسعه علوم و فنآوری های شناختی “وبینار مشترکی در...

Boredom Is in Your Mind
A Shared Psychological-Philosophical Approach Boredom has been considered the punishment of the entire humanity throughout its lengthy...

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2018
This volume documents the Proceedings of the 2018 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA),...

Atypical Interaction
Talking with others is central to many areas of daily living, including one’s professional, educational, family or...

in Institutional And Newspaper Discourse The Case of Climate Change and Migration In this volume, Katherine...

Perspectives on Digital Humanism
“This is absolute nonsense.” This was the reaction of the audience, both academics and non-academics, participating at...

Social Resilience Guide
Social resilience is about social entities and their abilities to tolerate, absorb, cope with and adjust to...

Discourse, Identity and Legitimacy
Iran has been at the centre of numerous international controversies since its 1979 Revolution and the establishment...