Embodied Hot Cognitive Vulnerability to Emotional Disorders: From Theory to Treatment
The way we make sense of emotional situations has long been considered a foundation for the construction of our emotional experiences. Sometimes emotional meanings become distorted and so do our emotional experiences become disturbed. In the last decades, an embodied construction of emotional meanings has emerged. In this book, the embodied simulation framework is introduced for distorted emotional and motivational appraisals such as irrational beliefs, focusing on hyper-reactive emotional and motivational neural embodied simulations as core processes of cognitive vulnerability to emotional disorders. By embodying distorted emotional cognition we can extend the traditional views of...
مطالعه متن کامل
The third edition of this popular and engaging text consolidates the interdisciplinary streams of cognitive science to...

Cognitive Rehabilitation and Neuroimaging
Examining the Evidence from Brain to Behavior One of the most devastating consequences of damage to the...

Cognitive Psychology: Fourth Edition
This coherent overview of cognitive psychology is organized in terms of themes that cut across topic areas....

Cognitive Psychodynamics as an Integrative Framework in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy
This book proposes a novel method of combining the current approaches to counselling and psychotherapy into one...

Cognitive Modeling for Automated Human Performance Evaluation at Scale
Cognitive models and related software tools have been developed to study human cognitive processes such as perception,...

Cognition, Mindreading, and Shakespeare’s Characters
Cognition, Mindreading, and Shakespeare’s Characters brings cognitive science to Shakespeare, applying contemporary theories of mindreading to Shakespeare’s...

Cognition in 3E: Emergent, Embodied, Extended
There are more things between heaven and earth, dear reader, than dreamt of in your philosophy. This...

Clinical Mentation Evaluation
The evolution of my thinking and ultimately this book is tribute to many friends and colleagues that...