تازه‌های کتابخانه

Existential Concerns and Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures

Existential Concerns and Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures

An Integrative Approach to Mental Health Clients enter therapy grappling with a range of difficulties. They don’t speak in diagnostic terms, but instead focus on the everyday problems that confront them. Their struggles may include isolation, loneliness, anxiety, guilt and regret, and problems making decisions in a world that offers seemingly endless choice. In contrast, the cognitive-behavior therapist is trained in the language of conditioning and extinction, avoidance and safety behaviors, behavioral activation and attentional biases. This book explores the ideas of the existentialist philosophers as a bridge between the suffering client and...

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تحلیل داده‌های عصبی

پیشرفت‌های مستمر در جمع‌آوری و پردازش داده‌ها تاثیر زیادی بر تحقیقات مغزی داشته است. و مجموعه داده‌هایی...

مغز شما هنگام کار

بزرگ‌ترین مانع، برای مردم، محدودیت مغز ما (ارتباطات نورونی که ظاهرا سیم‌کشی شده) است که هم باعث...

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The false promise of regime change in the middle east Since the end of World War II,...